Friday, January 8, 2010

Show me the eight of pentacles...

I have some GREAT news!! My dog, Dax, who I spoke of in my previous post, is NOT going blind. We went to see an eye specialist yesterday, and it was discovered that Dax has an infection that has attacked his body through his eyes. Blood work was done to determine what the infection is, and I will know that on Monday. Both eyes are inflamed and have a cloudy substance in them (not seen by the human eye). With eye drops and antibiotics, Dax will be back to normal soon. I couldn't be happier! And I know it's because of the support I received from my incredible family, friends and co-workers. Thank you! It's just amazing to me that he went from total vision impairment Tuesday night to raising high concern in our vet on Wednesday to being fine on Thursday. Thank you, God! Thank you for answering all our prayers.

To add to that good news...the pilot for the vampire show I've been filming has been picked up by Showtime! This is super exciting news!! However, I will need to prove to the Showtime people that I deserve to keep my part. I will now have to re-audition for the show, and this time I'll be up against c-list Hollywood actresses. The director really wants me to keep my part, which is great, so he told me to bring it in this last scene we are shooting next week. I have to be able to standout from those tall, skinny, hot Hollywood girls and prove that I have the most talent, that I know the role better. And because I've been playing the role and have had one-on-one interaction about the role with the director, I know more about my character than anyone else. I have to use that to my advantage. Everyone please send good thoughts and prayers my way that I get to keep my part. I mean, how awesome would it be to be on Showtime?! It could be my big break : )

Side note about the post title: The eight of pentacles is associated with self-improvement and rewards that bring tremendous joy and satisfaction. If you were competing for something (the role in a TV show, for instance), this would symbolize the first prize. This tells you that success will be yours.

1 comment:

Acting Journal said...

Sendin gup big prayers for you!!!