Thursday, August 6, 2009

Just stupid shit today. Don't even bother unless you're really bored.

Wow! It has been a whole 2 weeks to the day since I last posted. What kind of world am I making you all live in? I'm sure you've been pulling your hair out everyday waiting for me to write something. For that I would like offer you a $5 off coupon for Rogaine to replace any lost hair...only I don't have any coupons, so I can only offer you an apology...except I'm not gonna do that either because I'm not really sorry, and I believe you shouldn't apologize if you don't mean it. Excuse me for having integrity.

Throughout the day and over the weekends things happen or come up that make me say, "I should blog about that." However, every time I get ready to blog I can't remember any of the things I said I should blog about. Ain't that somethin'?...Kinda pisses me off, really, so don't bring it up again.

Oh, I got a new deodorant (above). It's by Dove, and it's called Wild Rose, in case you can't read. Not at all sure what a wild rose smells like, so I can't comment on the accuracy of the name. Nor do I know what makes a rose wild. I mean, is the particular rose that made my deodorant known around the garden as the party rose, the one that gets drunk and sleeps around with all the other flowers? If so, that's awesome! But regardless of how promiscuous my rose was, this shiz be smelling good, yall! The first time I used it I had just gotten out of the shower and was putting my make on, and I kept sniffing the air and thinking Man, what smells so damn good? Did Adam spray something? Then I'd apply some blush and then some eyeshadow and again Freakin' A! Where is that coming from? I want to capture that scent, put it into a deodorant stick, name is Wild Rose and sale that biatch! Then it hit me. That good smell was coming from me. From my pits, if you can believe that. Then I was kinda bummed because there went my grand idea to make the scent into a deodorant called Wild Rose. Dove beat me to it. Bastards. I have no shame in confessing that I now frequently lift my arms just to get a whiff every now and again. Don't judge me.

Just 24 days until my trip to Playa! Whoo hoo! So excited...I am a little P-Oed, though, and a
tad confused. 

Yeah, like her...Although I think she was staring up at a latter as her coworker climbed up to get a box of paper. See, the printer ran out of paper, and you know no one's going to claim they used the last piece so her colleague offered to go get some more from the supply closet. Because safety comes first, Thelma here said she'd spot Kevin and support the latter. Only she didn't know Kevin, who has a sensitive stomach, had a big plate of Mexican food for lunch. On his way up he farted right in Thelma's face, and her hands are up like that because she's asking God Why? My point is that she's more disgusted, whereas I am confused. But I digress....I started going to the gym 3-4 times a week when I was 6 weeks out from the trip, hoping to get rid of some flab before I squeeze my ass into a bathing suit. However, I have not seen the results I expected to see at this point. Now, I will confess that I haven't really changed my eating habits, but they haven't gotten worse either. So here's my logic: Lets say that before working out I was eating 200 cal/day (we all know that's a big fat lie because I wouldn't survive on just 200 calories a day, but I like the number 200, so get over it). At this point in my very fake scenario, I am doing no physical activity. Now I keep eating 200 cal/day but add in working out. Because I am now burning more calories than I was before, wouldn't I still lose weight even though I didn't drastically change my eating habits? Did I make any damn sense to you just now? Ugh! Whatever. Be like that then. No, I am not being a baby. You're dumb. I'm being rude? Nuh uh, you are. I'm rubber, and you're glue. So there...My point (before you threw a hissy fit) is that I'm not as confident to get into a bathing suit as I hoped to be.

Well, I'm kinda bored of writing because none of the things I told myself to blog about came back to me while I was filling this page with stupid crap. And by bored I mean annoyed. And by stupid crap I mean really stupid crap. I think I should take after The Bloggess, my blogging idol, and start writing things down in a notebook or journal as they happen so that when I get ready to blog I just take out my notes and voila. Until next time, friends.

1 comment:

Acting Journal said...

you really make me laugh, You know you're VERY clever, right? You are.
Great to hear we'll work together again!