Monday, July 20, 2009

Because Carrie Says So

OK Carrie. Here. Happy? I was reprimanded this morning by my bestie, Carrie, because it's been over a week since my last post. I think I may even be grounded. No TV, no phone. I'm just allowed my computer. She locked me in a dark room with no windows and told me I wont get food or water until I write...(cough cough) So. Thirsty...Shhh. I think she's coming. If she finds out I am reaching out for help she'll make me write two posts. Or even three. Oh the horror!...OK, we're safe. False alarm.

On a happier note, I am all booked for my trip to Playa del Carmen in 6 weeks. Julie, Carrie and I are taking a girls trip...that is if I ever get out of this dungeon. We're going for Carrie's 26th birthday and what a blast it's gonna be. Non of us have been to Playa, so we are stoked. My dad put me in touch with his travel agent, and we got an all inclusive trip for 5 days for $585. What a steal! That's flight, transportation to and from the airport, hotel stay, all the food and drinks we can handle, tips and tax. I can't wait! I've got a new swimsuit already and a new summer dress. Still more shopping to do, though. Not too much because I am attempting to save money so that I have some for the trip.

Where I'll be in less than 6 weeks

Oh, I'm going to be on set this weekend. Yay! We haven't shot anything in a while, and I'm anxious to get back in there and get this thing on its way to post production. 

I've got a tummy ache today. It started last night after dinner, which leads me to believe that something I ate didn't sit well. I kept waking up in the middle of the night because it was hurting, but I'm pushing through...I will say that my tummy ache ain't getting my an excuse slip from kickboxing tonight. Mommy Dearest (and I mean Carrie) says I have to go. That said, if I feel a strong urge to ralph while jumping up and down in a hotass room, I will most certainly aim my projection right at her. See if she tries to make me go to the gym the next time I'm not feeling well. Sucka! I think that maybe I'll show up at the gym looking very pale with dark circles under my eyes and a sign around my neck that says "I can barely walk, but Carrie says she'll beat me with a spiked chain if I don't come to class. Must obey or get stitches again. Doctors say the brain damage shouldn't be permanent. 2+2=9. The sun is purple. A, B, C, H, P, Z, R." Payback.

Alright, that's all I got for today. My stomach hurts so bad I can hardly move my fingers to type...but I did it for Carrie. Haha! Lookout for some hate mail, Carrie : )


Lauren said...

that's an awesome deal! I went to Playa del Carmen a while back... wow, it's been like seven years. I'm old. Anyhow, good choice! I'm jealous your vacation is a LOT sooner than mine...

Harlax said...

Haha! Yeah, I thought I had a while to wait, but 6 weeks isn't anything compared to 6 months : )