Tuesday, July 7, 2009


So my Daddy got on to me this weekend about not writing more frequently. And when I say got on to me, I mean he said something like Babygirl, where are your blog posts? Not Listen here, young lady. If I don't see a post a day you're grounded! So in essence, he really didn't get on to me at all. But I digress...I would like to write more often (and probably could if I stopped bitchin' about how I don't have time and just sat down and did it), but I just don't have the time. But from this moment forward I vow to make a slight effort to at least pretend I have the intention of blogging more often (fingers crossed). Good enough? That wasn't really a question, so that's why I can't hear your answer. It has nothing to do with the fact that we are communicating via the Internet. I can normally hear your answers loud and clear but because I clearly stated that 'Good enough?' was not a question, your answers don't come through. Now if I say So, what are you doing? I can hear your answers...That was TMI, Dad, and Mom, you know you shouldn't be doing that. Carrie, I hope you have on knee pads while your doing what you're doing...She's playing volleyball, you nasty-minded people.

Oh, I am proud to inform everyone that my face is now back to normal...for the most part anyway. The crazy breakout I had last week has subsided. Whew! Thank you, Lord. It was not pleasant, but I am glad it's over. And I know you're wondering, but no, I did not show up at the 4th of July party with Calamine lotion on my face pretending I had the chicken pox. I played it cool and went with a paper sack over my head.

I think the extra dose of vitamin D I got this weekend helped my skin clear up. I, who am pale and translucent-like, do not get sun exposure often. However, Adam and I got a pool and were in it all weekend. And when I say pool, I mean we got an inflatable pool from Target, but it's so badass. It's not like the little circle pool with Lightening McQueen on it. It's a rectangle pool that's about 5 feet wide, 8 feet long and 3 feet deep. Adam and I can both totally layout in it with room to spare. Plus the sides are so cushiony that to just lay your head back on 'em and stretch your feet out while you sip on a beer is just heavenly. I felt kinda like the Griswold family as I filled up my inflatable pool--water hose in one hand and a beer in the other. I was just waiting for Cousin Eddie to join me outside with a speedo on, get in the pool and pee. But I don't care how white trash we looked. It was relaxing and soothing and fun and now I have a brownish tint to my arms and chest (well, mostly a reddish color on my chest, but any color is better than being Casper). I look forward to getting in it again this weekend.

 What we don't have

 What we do have...In fact, that's me and Adam standing up while our two kids (who are 14 and 12 and who no one knew existed) sit in the pool

Big day today. I am accompanying my friend, Carrie, to a workout class at the YMCA. It's called Bodypump. It's going to pump..me up. (Arnold voice/SNL skit). I haven't been to a gym in a looooong time. I wish I was jumping back in with a class like beginners stretching, but nooo. Carrie goes to Bodypump. Thanks, Carrie. If I don't make it out of this class alive, please get my nails refilled before my funeral. I broke one, and I'll be damned if that wouldn't be my unfinished business. I'll be forced to haunt Montrose Nails forever. But seriously, am I excited about this class tonight? No. But am I gonna go anyway? Yes. And why? Because Carrie will be there, and she wants me to do this with her. At least if a weight flies out of my hand and hits the guy behind me in the face, I have someone to laugh it off with. Should be interesting. If my fingers work tomorrow, I'll let you know how it goes.

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