Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Something Short & Sweet

Man, what a day! I was wondering why I felt so hungry and then  looked up and saw it was 3pm. Where had the day gone? I have been so busy today that I lost track of the time...but I managed to shoot on over to Chick-fil-A and grab a sandwich, which I proceeded to hork down like a vulture. It was hella good too. However, I couldn't just let myself eat. I had to eat and type, which did nothing but grease up my keyboard. Yuk! Oh, woe is me...

I had my first cast rehearsal last night, and it was a lot of fun. I got to meet my fellow actors and hear what the scene really sounds like when it's not just me reading everyone's part in my head. A couple of actors there last night are experienced, and it was neat (Neat. Hello, jr. high) to watch them in action and learn from them. The ideas they had about developing their character and what mannerisms they could take on were awesome. It inspired me to think about my character more. 

I also got some pretty cool news last night from the producer/director. He told them that I have contributed so much to the film that I shall be listed in the movie credits as the Executive or Assistant Producer, whichever we decide upon. How freakin' nifty is that?! I'm really diggin' this film making thing.

Sorry this post is short and blah, but it's time for me to head home. I'll try and find time manana (Dora the Explorer would be proud of that) to post something better. Peace!

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