Friday, May 1, 2009

As Long As It Works, Use It...On Second Thought

Yesterday I did a lot of research on the growing population of senior citizens who have a blog and/or read blogs (No mom and dad, I do not consider you senior citizens....yet). In doing so, I found some pretty funny and cleverly witty senior blogs. One of my favs is My Senior Citizen Humor. This guy cracks me up...and so I wanted to share a bit of his humor with you. I found this posted on his site, and I actually believe that it this will happen come 2029.

I see a strong sense of truth in this image because you know Madonna is gonna keep putting on shows until she croaks. This artist must also me a soothsayer.

On another note, I shamefully admit that I have peaked on my diet, meaning I've haven't gained any weight back, but I also haven't lost more than a couple of pounds this week. But if we're being totally honest here, and I feel we have that kind of relationship, I haven't been following the program to the T. I'm not eating bad stuff or gorging myself, nothing like that, but I've been so preoccupied that I don't get all my foods in everyday. I don't eat all my veggies and have run out of my food supplements, and I will confess that the 80 oz of water I'm supposed to drink a day...not happening. I think I'm at Post It Note yellow on my pee chart, which isn't so far off that I can't redeem myself. However, I proudly announce that I am back on the wagon. I have a cup of water by my side that is consistently full, I took my vitamins this morning and I brought a cucumber for my mid morning snack. The hard part for me is eating protein. I never realized how much I really don't care for meat. In the past, I always had cereal for lunch or a PB&J (yum...miss that one), but now I have to eat a chicken breast for lunch (who has time to cook that on their lunch break?) or a fish fillet. 

Now, the QWLC claims that you can still go out to eat and stay true to your diet. I call that bluff, my friend. I have been out to eat a few times recently, and unless I want to order a bowl of leaves with some lemon juice on it, then nothing on the menu fits the rules. Am I supposed to do say, "Excuse me waiter, can you ask the chef to use ONLY Mrs. Dash seasoning on my chicken breast, or he can bake me a fish as long as he uses just one tablespoon of butter? Thanks." Umm, no. It's hard to order out and stay true to the rules. Like today for instance, I wont be going home for lunch so I have to pick something up, but from where? This is were I get frustrated.

Well, I better go peel my cucumber and pull out my Morton's salt and have at my mid morning snack. Jealous, aren't you?

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