Friday, May 29, 2009

Procrastination. It's a valuable quality.

What a frickin' day! Yes mom, I said frickin'. The word I wasn't allowed to say as a kid because we all knew what I was really wanting to say--take out 'ri' insert 'u'.

I am just so glad to be a mere 29 min. away from going home, getting into my PJs and watching TV. I have been so busy with work and the movie, that a night of doing nothing is the best treat EVER. Just me, Adam, my 3 pups and a good book. (insert dreamy sigh here)

Now, back to today and why it's been a frickin' one. All was well this morning and the first of the afternoon. Left for lunch at 2pm and went to Randall's to renew the registration on Adam's truck. Why was I doing it? Because legally the truck's mine. It's in my name. Adam makes the payments, pays the insurance, registration renewals, inspections, etc., but I have better credit, which equaled lower payments. It's actually a win for me because my credit score gets the boost. 

Anyway, his registration is up on May 31, so I go today, May 29, to renew it. Sure, I've had the paper at home for a month, but it would be totally out of character for me to take care of things early rather than procrastinate. Everyone thinks Sarah means princess, but that's only half true. The rest of the meaning was lost centuries ago. However, I have uncovered the secret. Sarah by definition means princess procrastinator. I would be untrue to myself had I renewed the registration a month ago.

I walk up to the customer service desk at Randall's, confident that I have everything and will be in and out. It is then brought to my attention that I cannot renew the registration because Adam's truck needs new license plates. At this point there is only small frustration. After all, I had to get lettuce, croutons and salad dressing, so the trip was not wasted.

I call Adam when I get home for lunch and tell him the situation. He calls the tax assessor's office downtown and finds out that because May 31 falls on a Sunday the registration and new license plates must be purchased by 4:45pm today. Now I have a rage of frustration. I'm supposed to be back at work in 30 min., so I don't have time to do this. Adam says he'll go. Frustration decreases...a little. We hang up, and I eat my salad. Then he calls me back and says he can't do. I, as the legal owner, have to do it. Frustration surges again.

I have no choice but to go, so I call a colleague and explain the situation. MMI is awesome, and they understand that, sorry to be cliche, shit happens. Adam then tells me that a woman at the tax assessor's office said I needed to bring the old plates with me...Yes, I later discovered that she is a moron who is in no way qualified to advise people on procedure. But this is a lesson to be learned later. So now I'm supper pissed because I have to drive to Adam's office to pick up his old plates and then drive over to the court house to get the new ones. I get in the line, which NEVER moves quickly, renew the registration and get the new plates (discovering what a waste it was to have the old ones and thinking how stupid I looked holding them in line). Now I have to drive back to Adam's work because he now has no plates on his truck, when he could have kept the old ones on until we both arrived home from work, at which time he could exchange them for the new ones. But because lady dumbass told him I had to have the old plates with me, I had to make yet another unnecessary stop.

So after an hour from when I left my house, I was finally headed back to work. However, it is done and done. I got my ass in gear and accomplished the mission. Nothing like procrastination to make you hustle. That's why I believe in it so much.

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