Monday, June 1, 2009

If the Lord be willin'

Lots of thoughts spinning around in this head of mine today...Well, not really lots, but it's just been one of those days where I'm more conscious of my thoughts today than I am most days. I wont go into it all here because that's what my journal is for, but I will share a little.

Here in the past few months I've really delved into the philosophy that your thoughts create your reality, which I summarized in a pervious post. The basic premise is to think, visualize and imagine that what you want in life is not just a want but a reality. Saying, "I hope I get the job," isn't enough. It has to be, "I will get the job." You have to see yourself going in for the interview, kicking butt and impressing the hell out of the boss. The moment I decided to audition for Shut Your Blog Off, that's exactly what I did. Every day I said that I would get the female lead. I imagined myself in that audition room making a lasting impression. I did this over and over until the audition day had passed, and then, well, if you're an avid reader, my family or a co-worker then you know, I got the part I wanted. That really convinced me to pay attention to my thoughts and had a huge impact on the way I see things. Things that I used to believe impossible and out of my reach are now just a thought away. It's pretty incredible.

Some people might say, "So you're saying that God has nothing to do with what happens in our life?" No, I am absolutely not saying that. For me, this belief in the power of thought and my belief in God go hand-in-hand. Everything we accomplish and strive for starts with a thought. Before God created the world he thought it up first. He thought about what He wanted to be real, to exist and made it happen. So when I place my "order" so to speak, I do so and then hand the keys over to God. I don't ever want to be in the driver's seat of my life. That's where God belongs. His will is the only will I want to follow. Sure, I have my own wants and dreams and aspirations, but ultimately I want to walk the path designed for me by God.

I am not hear to talk about religion and what's right and wrong to believe in. Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs. I can only speak for myself. I know there are people who believe God to be an angry, jealous God, but I personally don't see Him that way. My God is a loving God who wants me to be happy and loved. He wants me to excel in life and enjoy the pleasures of the world, not run from them. He loves everyone equally, and I do mean EVERYONE. And because he wants me to be happy and to live my dream, then that becomes His will. He knows what my dreams are, what my heart wants, and if those exact dreams and desires are not where He wants my life to go then He'll take me where I am supposed to be and show me why I am supposed to be there. I may not be shown the reason right away and may be angry that I didn't get what I wanted, but in time I will see how important it was that I be there on that path rather than the one I hoped to be on...because after all, there are no coincidences.

Every decision you've made in life has led you to where you are now. If you changed just one little thing it would have led you somewhere totally different. Different in a good way? Different in a bad way? That we can never know, and it's not worth pondering because if you choose (and you do have to choose because God gave us free will) to follow the path God made for you then all you need to know is that where you are is where you're supposed to be because it's going to take you to where you're going next. That's what I believe anyway, and what a blessing it is to have such a belief because I never have to worry about drowning in any situation. I've got the biggest and most reliable floatation device.

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