Friday, April 17, 2009

Order's Up!

Well, I broke my goal to blog every weekday for a month...I'm so ashamed of myself. But in my defense, I had a good reason not to blog yesterday. I was at the hospital from about 8:30 am to 4:00 pm . In the labor and delivery ward, no less. Yes, I was 9 months pregnant and had no idea. I went into the hospital with stomach pains, and what do you know? Baby! NOT!! I really was in labor and delivery but with my Cousin, Carrie. I was dubbed videographer for the day, and quite frankly, I suck at it. Mark that profession off the list. Carrie was induced yesterday morning, and I was invited to be a witness to the miracle of life. I am honored that she would include me such a milestone. Upon arrival we (myself, Carrie, husband Jason and friend Dee) began putting in our orders to the universe. What does that mean, you ask? I will share the knowledge with you...

It became popular in my family as a result of my mother. She read this book called The Secret that explains how powerful a thought can be, that we make our reality based on what we think. So in essence, if there is something you want in life you simply think about it as if you know it's going to happen. You picture yourself getting that promotion, you see yourself living in that new house you want, you visualize yourself winning that award. And by doing that, you make your thoughts a reality. No, this isn't a cult or a religion. It's simply a way to start thinking more positively. If you think positive, positive things will happen. Point blank. Now somewhere in the book it talks about placing your oder with the universe, which is basically saying what you want outloud as if it is a statement of truth. And it has to be in positive terms. So not, "I hope this plane doesn't crash," but, "We are going to land safely in Colorado." It's positive (land safely), and it's stated as a fact.

Meanwhile, back at the hospital, we are placing our orders for the time of delivery. We say, "baby will be here at noon." Noon came and went. "Baby will be here at 1:00." That was a no go. That's when I said that we should call my mom because she's the one with the power (mainly because she has actually read the book, while we just place orders like we know what we're doing). I ask her to place an order for the delivery time. At this point it's a little after 1:00, and Carrie is just 4cm. My mom places her order as 2:22pm. The doctor doesn't think it will happen. Well, in about 15 min. Carries goes from 4cm to 10cm and feels the pressure to push. Nurses come, doctor comes, and baby Max is born at 2:22pm on the dot. Can you believe that?! Everyone in the room was freaked out by that. The nurse proclaimed that she is buying that book for sure. Even my mom herself couldn't believe it. 

So from now on, when I want something in life, not like a new outfit but a life goal, then I'm calling in the artillery--my mom--and having her place my order. Apparently she has the right touch. She and the universe are in cahoots, best buds it seems. That's a cool person to know. 

And on the baby note, Max is perfect, just precious. Carrie is amazing! She made the process look so easy. I mean, 1 and 1/2 pushes, and there he is. I was so expecting to be traumatized and grossed out, but I wasn't at all. I was like, "I can do that."...Until the nurse told me that it's not always like that. Damn! No babies on the agenda anytime soon, though, so no worries for now.

Here he is, ladies and gents! Mr. Maxwell (Max) Chris Kolter. Isn't he a doll?

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