Thursday, April 23, 2009

You're so skinny, I can save you from drowning by tossing you a Cheerio!

Whoo hoo! great news, everyone! Yesterday I was able to stick two arms down my pants without unbuttoning them!! (How many times can a girl say that without getting a weird look?) That's how loose my clothes are getting. Pretty cool feeling, I might add. 

(FYI, that's not me...yet) My body has completely adjusted to taking in less, and in fact, it's now hard for me to eat everything I am supposed to eat each day. I get full fast and don't want to eat anymore. Fullness never stopped me before, which is why I am on a weight loss plan, but now I look at food different. 

Before it was like, "Yum! Eating this chocolate cake is like taking little bites of Heaven, and even though my pants are busting at the seams, I'm going to finish it," but now that it's a piece of chicken, it's like, "Hmm, I'm full and this chicken ain't anything special, so I'm calling it quits." I don't live to eat but eat to live. Eating is now just something I do to get in my nutrients and stay healthy, not a hobby that I partake in when I'm bored or upset. Everyone mark this day on your calendar. I am no longer a food addict. I'm still going to my FLA meetings (Food Lovers Anonymous) and will continue with my 12 steps (that's 12 stair steps, by the way), but it's safe to say that I am cured.

It will be new clothes shopping time before long...too bad I'm broke from joining the QWLC. I'm not complaining, though. I would rather be broke with loose pants than bankin' with tight pants. 

That's not me either...just want to clear that up. So, progress is being made, and it's pretty awesome to know that I'm on the right track. Maybe I'll get that lady to join QWLC. I mean, look at her face. It just screams, "HELP ME!" Or maybe it says, "Oh no! This tight waist band isn't doing any favors for the cupcakes, burritos and queso I just ate. Uh oh! Turtle head. The bathroom's near by, right?"

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