Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Oh, so the belt is supposed to come together in the front!

Well, it has been a full 4 days since my last post...well, I don't count weekends, so 2 days since my last post. You doing OK? Oh, good. Whew! Sweat off the brow. I would feel immensely guilty had I made you stay glued to your computer awaiting my post, the stench of hopeless abandonment seeping from your pores, dark circles under your eyes marking the days you've gone without sleep, a homemade toilet resting by your feet so that you didn't risk missing my blog while you ran to the bathroom. Had that happened, I would have felt bad and solely responsible...actually, that's a lie. I probably would have scheduled a talk with you so that we could discuss a new life path for you to follow. But since everyone's OK, lets move on...

I am on day 7 of my new diet, and things are going well. I see the scale drop more and more with each daily weigh in, and that's always exciting. My pants are fitting lose, and I feel more energized. Whoo hoo! I am getting plenty of food on my current plan, which is a relief because I always worry that strict diets will leave me feeling hungry. Not the case with this one--it's Quick Weight Loss Center, by the way. I eat several times throughout the day, and I get everything from starches, fruits, veggies, protein, dairy and even fat. Yes, that's right. I not only get some fat on this diet, I am required to have it. Granted it's only 1 tbsp of butter or mayo, but hey, when I get to smear that butter on my toast everyday I am reminded that God loves me and wants to protect me from the torture that is a life without butter.

I am SUPPOSED to go to the clinic to weigh in everyday for 2 weeks and then 3x a week after that, but I just go when I have the time. I mean, it's close to my work so M-F is convenient, but I'm not driving over there on  Saturday for a 5 min. visit. Sorry. Plus, I have a feeling they roll their eyes at me when I leave because I have voiced my opinion about the prices of their products. I have refused to buy them because they are all optional. They do not hinder the program in any way, so why would I spend all that extra money for something I don't have to have? Example. They want you to take EFAs like Omega 3, 6 & 9. I'm agree, that's good for you to take. Their bottle cost $40, while the bottle I got from Target cost me $10. One packet of their salad dressing is like $11, while I got a whole bottle of lite dressing at Randalls for $3. See my point? So I would bet that I am that rare client that puts up a resistance and doesn't just go along with everything they suggest, and who wants to be the consultant to handle THAT lady? I can't believe I have become THAT lady. When I worked for an oral surgeon I used to hate dealing with stubborn patients who didn't listen to me, and now I've become one. Oh well, what can you do?

So other than the jacked up cost of their products, I am liking the overall program and would recommend it if you're wanting to shed some pounds but know you can't count on yourself to keep the will power strong. There's something about having other people hold you accountable that motivates you, ya know? Knowing that I have to go in there and have someone else weigh me and check my food journal makes me want to follow the rules and show them I can do this. Sure I have weak moments filled with temptation, but it's how I react in those moments that matters. The other day I wanted an oatmeal raisin cookie soooo bad, but did I have one? No! And last night I watched Adam eat a Hershey's bar without any desire to have a piece myself. No that's progress, people. This could very well be the program that sticks. 

Well, it's time for my Strawberry Kiwi smoothie (QWLC supplement). Got to get that mid morning snack in before lunch. Cheers!

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