Thursday, April 9, 2009

A Nose Isn't Just For Picking...Or so I'm told

So everyday I get queries from Help A Reporter Out or HARO, and I read through them to see if any of my clients can be a resource for one of the reporters. Yesterday I came across two queries I found interesting...and by interesting I mean bizarre. One was called 'Smelling On the Job.' Now, at first I thought this reporter was looking for people who stunk, and I wondered who would come forward and proclaim, "Umm yes, I stink. I don't shower or use deodorant. Write about me!" Then once I scrolled down to read the details I discovered that the reporter wants people whose sense of smell is vital to their she wants to talk to rescue dogs? So I got to thinking about what jobs do require a keene sense of smell...and I'm still thinking. Maybe a chef. I mean, they use their sense of taste a lot, and taste is connected to smell. That's the best I could come up with. I'm curious as to what this reporter expected to get in terms of responses. "Hi. I'm a stay at home mom, and I depend on my nose to tell me when my toddlers shat himself." 

I also saw a query for trail mix ingredients. Now that caught my eye because it has to do with food, and to remix a popular Salt 'n Pepa song--What's my weakness? Food! Ok, then. Apparently this blogger has a page all about different trail mix recipes for people who need a snack on the go or want something to add to their kid's lunch. And what I got from the query is that anything can be trail mix if you simply say, "This is my trail mix." I thought that was perfect. I will get a bowl and throw in Hershey Kisses, Whoopers, Milk Duds and M & Ms and call that trail mix. When people see me shoveling it into my mouth and look at me with eyes that say, "Fat ass," I'll say, "Oh no, this is my trail mix, so it's OK." I'm sure that reporter wanted healthy ingredients like raisins, peanuts, dried papaya and such, but I think my trail mix recipe is much more exciting. Don't be surprised if you see it on your grocer's shelf soon. I'm on the phone with the patent company right now. Wait. They want a name for the product? Ummm...lets go with 'On the Trail to Cellulite' mix. It will be a hit!

1 comment:

Lauren said...

hehe, now that's MY kind of trail mix. Although I think "trail" usually implies you are taking it on some sort of athletic endeavor, other than the journey from the couch to the kitchen.

I love your blog so far! Keep writing :)