Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Today is day one of my three day detox. I am getting my body prepared to start consuming different foods, foods that are good for me, not just the ones that taste like heaven and are filled with calories. This also means that today is a funeral of sorts, for I must lay to rest all those brownies, cheeseburgers, pizzas, donuts and cake. I bid you a bitter sweet farewell, my fat-filled companions. You will be missed...especially come tomorrow when I'm going through withdraw, when I'm curled up in the corner of my room foaming at the mouth and pleading with someone to give me just one bite of chocolate cake, just one bite.

My instructions are to eat 2 eggs for breakfast, which is cool because who doesn't love a good egg? You know I do, just read my "Don't Egg Me On" post. Then I am to snack on half an orange. Cool. I like oranges. And I am to have as much meat (protein) and raw green veggies as I can take. I can't use any salt on these foods nor any condiments, and those who know me will testify that I could swim in some ketchup. So I went to the store and bought broccoli, celery, cucumbers, salad and enough chicken to last me 3 days. The big hunk of meat consumption is going to be what I potentially cringe from because although I enjoy a nice steak or piece of grilled chicken, I am a fruit and veggie person. So bring on the celery and cucumbers...not too stoked about all the chicken. However, it's just 3 days, and I can tolerate anything for 3 days...except maybe stupid people. I can't tolerate them for 5 minutes.

Because I forgot to buy oranges last night, I went to Randalls on my lunch break and grabbed a few...along with a rotisserie chicken because I don't have any chicken made yet. I am allowed to eat rotisserie chicken as long as I remove the skin, which just so happens to be my favorite part. But, I did as I was supposed to and removed all the juicy, flavor-enriched skin. My dogs were happy about it, though. I then chopped up a cucumber and that was my side dish. Nothing like skinless chicken and a cucumber to satisfy your appetite. She knows how I feel.

I usually follow my lunch with something sweet, like a chai tea or a cookie...but not today...or tomorrow...or the next day. I'm gonna stick this out, though, because if nothing can motivate someone to shed a few pounds, paying a lot of money to do will. Since I had to pay for this program I am going by the book. Nothing would piss me off more than to dish out the cash and get nothing in return. 

So, here I am...with a headache from carb withdraw, reminding myself that this will be over after Friday. Phase 2 starts on Saturday, and though I'm sure it wont be all chips, bread and pasta, it will be better than this.

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