Thursday, April 23, 2009

What's in a name?

Courtesy of Ashpash...

1. Witness Protection Name (mother’s & father’s middle names)
Mom has no middle name, so we'll use her nickname. NetteNette Ray. You might be a redneck if...

2. Nascar Name (first name of your mother’s dad & father’s dad)
Tilden Raymond

3. Star Wars Name (the first 2 letters of your last name & first 4 letters of your first name)
Stsara. What the...?

4. Detective Name (favorite color & favorite animal)
Purple Monkey. That sounds like a freaky bedroom move. "Yeah man, I gave here the purple monkey and she went bananas."

5. Soap Opera Name (middle name & city where you live)
Michelle Houston. Whitney's sister.

6. Superhero Name (2nd favorite color & favorite alcoholic drink, optionally add “The” to the beginning)
The Green Apple Martini

7. Fly Name (first 2 letters of first name & last 2 letters of your last name)
Sabs. Kinda like Babs but not.

8. Gangsta Name (favorite ice cream flavor & favorite cookie)
Peppermint Oatmeal, dawg. Don't hate.

9. Rock Star Name (current pet’s name & current street name)
I have 3 current pets, so I can be Lola Shearn, Dax Shearn or Harley Shearn. That's my whole band. Two brothers and their sister.

10. Porn Name (first pet’s name & street you grew up on)
Lola Tamarach...not so porno-ish

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