Monday, April 13, 2009

Don't Egg Me On!

I am sitting here, twirling my gum around my finger waiting for something profound to hit me so that I can blog about it....I got nothin'. The pressure to write something deep or clever or funny is a lot more intense now that I know there are two people who have my blog saved to their favorites...and when I say two PEOPLE, I mean my mom and dad. But still, knowing that they can so easily click a button and pull up my blog makes me conscious of my desire to create a post that is worth a read....I tried going off on a tangent in hopes that while rambling a good blog idea would hit me. Not so much.

I keep replaying my weekend in my head to see if there was a life experience that I want to share, but all my experiences were pretty mundane. I mean, I got a TV. Who hasn't done that? And nothing exciting happened while we were getting it, so any chance of an interesting blog post from that adventure is dead. I also went shopping this weekend, and while that was tantalizing for me, it would do nothing but bore you. And then there was Easter at my aunt's. No family dramas unfolded....although we probably had more deviled eggs present than the rest of the neighborhood combined. 

See, my family, we LOVES us some deviled eggs. And rightfully so because we make some damn good ones. There were around 10 deviled egg eaters present and accounted for this Easter. Let's say the average person, and note that I say average, which my family is not, gets 4 deviled eggs each as a nice snack before the main meal. And take into account that there are other snacks as well. That would mean that 40 deviled eggs would suffice. (I know, I'm quick on that math) But oh no! 40 deviled eggs ain't nothin' for my family. You see, we had just under 100 deviled eggs in total. I made 72 of them and my aunt made another 24. A normal family would think, "Wow! That's way too many," but as I mentioned, we aren't a normal family. In about a 2 hour span we were able to down all but about 15 eggs. That's something that I can't help but be amazed and astounded by. This Easter has set the bar for 2010. C'mon fam, lets see how many we can hork down next year!...Oh, the noble goals we set for ourselves. 

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